Fallout 76 is really starting to gain ground. When it first released, it was a bit of a letdown, to put it lightly. Even dedicated fans of the Fallout franchise were having a hard time accepting the "e'er online open-world hazard." The bugs, the mistruths, and the rather empty worlds were enough to turn any player off. It was surprising, to say the list, considering the quality we've come to await from Bethesda.

Fast-forward to today and Fallout 76 looks much different than it did at launch. It's still not a perfect game by any means merely players are starting to flock to the MMO out of curiosity (and to scratch that Fallout crawling). Information technology's actually pretty refreshing to Fallout 76 go a small redemption arc, fifty-fifty if information technology'due south unlikely information technology will e'er see the aforementioned transformative success that No Man's Heaven has.

Praises given, there are however some glaring problems with Fallout 76'southward world, more then when it comes to grapheme-leveling and respeccing. Here's a look at how exactly you tin can respecc your character and what options y'all accept.

2 Can You Respecc Your Character?

Fallout 76 Character

Unfortunately, and this hurts to say from an MMO-mode perspective, there is no "organization" to instantly respecc your character in Fallout 76. You have options, but they're pretty wonky compared to other titles in the genre. Yous won't be able to detect a merchant and buy a magical potion that will instantly reset all your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats, allowing yous to allocate them however yous meet fit.

At its core, Fallout 76 is very much a championship that rewards deadening and steady progression and it's obvious developers wanted that theme to continue far subsequently the storyline credits take rolled. There is only no mode to get a clean slate and transform your character instantly into another "class" or "build."

1 How Tin can You Alter Your Spec?

Fallout 76 Wastelanders Faction Reputation Strength Weight Table

In social club to "respecc" in terms of Fallout 76, you lot'll first need to hit level 50. Characters max out at this level and yous won't receive whatsoever boosted S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points past this level. Instead, you'll be rewarded with perk cards. Those looking to shift their stats around tin forgo the perk card and instead reallocate their S.P.Eastward.C.I.A.L. points.

RELATED: Fallout 76: Consummate Guide To Perk Cards

This is where things take an agonizingly irksome turn. Non only will you be missing out on perk cards, but you'll simply be able to motility one point per "level" yous achieve. For example, after leveling upwards once past l you could remove one bespeak from your Luck stat and instead put it into Perception. This volition permit you to "rebuild" your character in whatever image yous may delight but it's a long and arduous procedure that will take a long fourth dimension if you plan on switching to a stat build opposite of what your character already is.

For this reason, yous might want to strongly consider making a new character if yous're level 20 or under. Try to decide if changing your graphic symbol will take longer post level fifty or if you could hitting level l faster by simply starting a new character with a new build. It'southward also important to note this addition is non "retroactive." Anyone who has a character at level 55, for example, and gained those levels before the "respecc modify" took effect will not magically receive 5 points to change.

NEXT: How To Build A Curved Wall In Your Fallout 76 CAMP

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